Mental Health is by far one of the most overlooked topics when it comes to women who are in STEM fields. It is a topic that is highly stigmatized, and when brought up, usually the first to be shot down. The truth is that many are afraid to have tough conversations, but here at MilkshakefromMars we aim to create space and encourage such needed conversations. Thank you for taking the time to engage with this article today. We hope these tips help in your journey as a woman in STEMl!  

1. Treat yourself with grace.

Most women in STEM are go getters and thats what makes them successful. But, it also makes it easy for us to neglect our mental health or health in general because we think that work is more important. That is simply not true. If we cannot take care of ourselves how will we be able to keep being trailblazers in STEM and become the next generation of astronauts, physicians, engineers and mathematicians?

Treat yourself with grace
You work hard. Take time to rest: Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash

I heard a saying once that you should treat yourself like you would treat your best friend. This is so important and I live by this rule.  When your friend is having a tough day you don’t pressure them to keep working, rather you probably encourage them to get some rest. When your friend faces a failure you don’t tear them down, do you? No! You are there for them and help them recognize that one set back doesn’t diminish their accomplishments. You are kind and understanding towards your best friend/s so you should be the same with yourself because you deserve it. Treat yourself like you are your best friend. (Spoiler Alert: You are your best friend.)

2. Figure out your ideal self care routine (and follow it).

Self care can mean a lot of different things to different people. For me it means making time to meditate, exercise, prepare meals, my hobbies, and being around amazing people. I prioritize the time I spend on these tasks on a day to day basis, but especially when I don’t feel at my best. Figuring out what truly uplifts your mood and helps you is a game changer. Whether that entails listening to music, being outdoors, watching a funny movie, or even scheduling your next mammogram- it doesn’t matter as long as its something you’re doing for you. Self care is one of the main ways for you to prioritize your mental health.

In Dr.Tchiki Davis’s article in Psychology Today , she recommends taking care of your gut health through eating mindfully, organizing your space, and reading self care books can all help you destress as well. Don’t feel guilty about self care! Like we said earlier, you need to be kind to yourself. The earth will continue to spin and you will stay amazing, even if you relax. 

3. Build a trusty support network.

Having a support system does wonders, whether it consists of one or many related or unrelated people. These are the people you can go to about anything. They shouldn’t cause you unnecessary stress, but rather they should uplift you in times of need. By no means should they tell you that any of your endeavors are not worth it. At the end of the day you should reciprocate the same energy back into your support network and lend a helping hand whenever someone needs one. 

“We need to understand that if we all work on inclusion together, it’s going to be faster, broader, better, and more thorough than anything we can do on our own.”

– Ellen Pao, former Reddit CEO & current Project Include CEO

4. Practice mindfulness. It does wonders for mental health.

Take a step back and assess your situation. When was the last time you took time for yourself? When did you do something not work related? When did you last ask yourself whether you drank enough water today or ate all your meals? These are things we should be asking ourselves on a daily basis, as little check ins to ensure that we’re okay, mentally and physically.

Stay healthy: Photo by Owen Beard on Unsplash

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.” They list examples such as breathing techniques, sitting meditation, body scan meditation, and walking meditation as examples of practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness comes in many forms and can be practiced anywhere by anyone- just make sure you make time for it.

5. Tell yourself that needing help and time off is normal.

Sometimes when I take a break, I end up feeling guilty. Why should I, though? Don’t we deserve a life outside of work and to explore life or be by ourselves? We must give ourselves the proper care we need. If that means taking an evening, day or even the whole weekend off, that’s okay! And a large part of taking care of ourselves is admitting when we need help. Be it to get through that one class or that exhausting week, it is okay to ask for help from your friends, peers, mentors- really, anyone.

I hope you found this advice helpful and that you will use it and be kinder to yourself and your body. You are worthy, you are doing amazing, and you are beyond enough. But before you can help make this world a better place and become somebody else’s STEM idol, you need to take care of yourself. The practice of mental health is incredibly personal, but its imperative.

“Women in Science? Shocker, we exist!”

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